Business Operation

What is VIMDESK?

Comprehensive business operating system with distinct modules

Tailored functionalities for diverse company departments

Seamless integration with existing applications through APIs

Enhances operations, integrates seamlessly with existing systems

Secured and centralized

We bring it all together

Presenting the current iteration of VimDesk, comprising an array of essential modules. Our commitment to continuous improvement means that we will consistently introduce new modules.

CRM Module

Relation management tool where all suppliers, leads, costumers and other parties are veing organized to access with ease

Financial Module

Compiling financial functionalities such as creating estimates and sending invoices and other essential parts are mandatory for every business.

Sales Module

Making results measurable by managing deal pipelines, activity logs, and features built to maximize revenue.

Project Manager Module

All information around a project is logged and available to those you will give access. Every project is cleared out so there is no chance of miscommunication.

System Module

A control panel where the customization of your workspace is being done. Creating an optimal environment for employees, partners, and customers.

Ticketing Module

Managing internal and external communication, which could be arranged in specific groups. Accelerating customer experience and service.

File Management

Sharing, storing, and organizing files securely. Giving access to those that are authorized and relevant to the documents and files.

Logging Module

Prioritize priorities with a Follow-up system that connects with a calendar—being on top of past, current, and future activities.

ERP Module

Maximizing the productivity of fundamental internal and external departments such as Logistics, Planning, Order processing, Warehousing, Production, etc.

API Integrations

Connect to your other applications using their expertise, structure, and data. VimDesk gathers information from all your systems to create a total overview.

And many more to come!

Any ideas for future models?

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